oh man, I have no excuse for not updating...Except, well. No excuse.

but oh my god everyone, I have tickets, for the 2:45pm showing, of, of, of,


yes yes yes yes yes!!

it's soooo exciting. I haven't seen a movie in the theatre since harry potter, and that was like 2 weeks ago. It's so exciting when you go to a movie the day it opens. Your stomach gurgles, your mouth waters and your legs get all shakey and you feel like you have to pee, but you really don't, it's just your body telling you your super excited and that you better sit down and watch the movie. phew.

I've been reading this book called "The A-Z Encyclopedia of Serial Killers" and as the title suggests, it is rather interesting and revolting at the same time. It's really kind of scary, the people who do these things get away with it for quite sometime. Plus, most of them weren't like "Hi, I'm a serial killer, wanna be my victim?" (some do, seriously. using personal adds. I'm not kidding! this german sex-cannibal did. NO JOKE!) so really the victims are totally unaware, until it's too late.

I don't really know why I'm interested, it's just..interesting. Shocking, you know? Besides, I think it's just a teenage phase. I don't think killing people is "cool", I just want to know why the killers do it, you know? That's what I find interesting. "The mind behind the monster", if you want to be cheesy about it.

christina : Hey, you know, I've never seen a dead body.

me: neither have I.

christina: I think I want to. It's like, My life isn't complete until I see one. To see how I'll turn out, you know?

me: Yeah.

christina: [blank]'s seen two!

me: huh?

christina: Yeah, but they were relatives. It's not like finding one.

me: all dead bodies are always found on hiking trails, I swear.

christina: Yeah.

me: Let's become hikers, then.

christina: Ok!

me: neat.

Oh, yeah, did I mention I have strange conversations with my friends?

IN other news, It's almost Christmas, I'm excited. Presents, you know. And even though I hate spending my money on other people, I like giving presents. I like making them pretty, special, etc.

Plus, our house is getting that Christmas smell. The Christmas glow, too. It's nice.

anyway, I'm hungry. Anyone want to lend me their arm?

hahaha, that was a joke.




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0 Many thanks for buying produce!