ok, I saw gangs of New York, and basically, it was Martin S. masturbation. IE, look at meee, I'm a famous director, and I don't know where the hell I'm going with this project, wheee, I have funny eyebrows, and I'll even throw in a cameo as IF people would miss the great and powerful meeeee! meee! my lavish sets! meee! my strange almost out of date cutting, meee! me who should have gotten a better soundtrack, for gods sake.

While I wasn't impressed by the directing, and how it took around 3 hours to finish a story that would have fit just as well in a 2 hour time slot, the acting was done well. Leo C, he was pretty good. I didn't really think Cameron Diaz really had a point other then to be a "love interest" and to have long, drawn out not-sex scenes but let's lick eachother scenes with Leo, but all in all, she didn't screw up her accent, which could have made the film even more unbearable. Now, Daniel Day-Lewis saved the day. If it wasn't for him, I would have left the theatre feeling seriously robbed of my 3 hours. He's really a excellent actor, and in a way the movie failed him. It could have been so much better, but he was the best he could be, no one could really live up to his colorful, entertaining and reallyreally scary character, Bill "the butcher". Plus. He isn't bad looking and he can throw knifes like nobody's business. And he had awesome style, let me tell you. So, if you enjoy watching Daniel D-L, go see the movie. Also, I commend the film for shedding some light on the little known drafting riots, which, after seeing the movie, I found out they were actually much worse then the film depicted. And, if you saw the movie, that's pretty worse. Anyway. I'll stop.

oh, heh, I think this is funny :

Tolkienology 101: What is Your Tolkien Belief System?

brought to you by QuizillaTOLKIEN FUNDAMENTALIST: Hellfire and brimstone for anyone who dares blaspheme the Holy Name of Tolkien!!! You scare the shit out of the rest of the fandom. Even the Conservatives, who share your reverence for canon and distaste for deviation from the same, back up a few steps when they encounter you. You need help. Now.




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