ok, now you've all seen what happens when I get obsessed with a character from a movie I panned. This. so. just.


Nothing much has happened, except that Ihave found an old fraggle rock cassette tape which I have been listening too NON-STOP. I love fraggle rock, but it makes me miss my childhood. It's strange, because my memory is selective when it comes to that. Like, I remember this boy, jeff, coming over to my house after school, and it was this real big thing because he could actually open the screen door. We had a screen door that was difficult for 5 year old me to open. Then we ate apples, and that's all I remember.

that actually sounds kind of creepy.

Anyway. My layout is sort of rag tag, because, I was just so impaitent it isn't even funny. Oh man. I really have this writing mental block. I just don't know what to say...

So er, here's me looking ghetto in a hat :

seriously, I will write when I have stuff to say. I'm in another of those ruts again.



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!