being homeschooled sucks when...

you have nothing to do because you are waiting for a test to arrive and

because you have nothing to do you either :

A. stare at the computer

B. watch bad, bad TV

C. listen to talk radio which gets annoying

D. Eat

E. develop intense obsessions (like for example today I am obsessed with martin scorsese and his strange eyebrows)

F. make bad art and declare that it is bad art and hide it

G. I can't clean my room mom, that would be something useful

H. wash face but not hair

I. wait till 8pm show is on

J. Eat

K. Eat too much and feel bad

L. lie around

M. think of crazy ideas like making own clothes sans sewing machine because you don't know how then stop halfway and eat.

N. make lists of what you do when you are bored

O. avoid chores at ALL COSTS

P. Read

Q. Write

R. Take pictures

S. wish you could do work that gave you credit

T. think about bothering friends who go to school when the get home

U. change clothes

V. drain the worlds supply of diet pepsi, one can at a time

W. try and play with the dog but realise he's having too much fun sleeping

X. Read the phonebook (hahaha kidding)

Y. self mutilation

Z. and finally, wish you had a car and money to go out and watch movies allllllll the tiimmmmme!!!!

(go back one for exploding cupcakes)

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0 Many thanks for buying produce!