happy valentine's day.

it's cold and rainy and lonely over here, but I guess my valentine came a little early, because yesturday I got to watch the Crucible that features the man who is on my very soul (i mean layout). But seriously, the biggest un sexy thing about that movie was not only did he get hanged, (yes, he was well hung. oh my god that was so lame.), he wore these strange parachute "farmer" pants through like the entire movie. I guess people didn't really change their clothes back then. But I mean. the pants look really, really weird. oh, and winona ryder needs to go and die. other then that, the movie was pretty good.

I then got to watch ghost world, which is always fairly entertaining. I've noticed that my family members like to say I'm "like exactly like" movie characters, because the other night it was Liza Minelli ala Cabaret, and last night it was Thora Birch ala Enid. oh, and I think it's one of the worlds greatest mysterys that little thora birch, the sweet little child star, grew up to have like, the biggest breasts in the universe. I think she has the Kirsten Dunst syndrom.

OH, and they guy who delivered my pizza last night, he was SO SCARY. He was like, giving me the eye. He must of been like, 30, which would be alright if he wasn't PIZZA DELIVERY MAN and ugly. But it was so scary I almost over-tipped him because I just wanted him to go away!! But no, he was like, "any change?" and he was smirking and giving me this look and I just wanted to DIE or shoot laser beans out of my eyes and make him melt or SOMETHING! the really scary thing is he knows where I live.

I know, it's terrible.



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