I really do think the devil is responsible for girlscout cookies. It's like the cookies are sprinkled with devil powder so I can't have just one. Devil cookie intake today : 6.

no, that can't be a coincidence.

So, the weekend in review :

On saturday, I had a somewhat ok time at acting class. Why was it somewhat ok, do you ask? Well, my brown jacket is now totally dissapeared, so, humph, we had to play TWISTER for some ungodly reason, and out twister sheet was covered in this scary sticky stuff, making you think what the hell it was used for. Then I was stuck in this group with people who know nothing about building a scene, improv, etc. This girl, you guys, I swear, i wanted to shoot her in the face and fling her brains around the room because she was just that annoying . She obviously had no training before this and it just made me want to die. Consequently, our scene was like the worst thing ever to be acted out EVER. I will not even go into details because reading it might make you blind. I, myself, am scarred for life.

So then yesturday we went to the Magic Flute, we sat in the second row on the extreme left side. Meaning I couldn't really tell what was going on in the right corner, but I could see all the people running around backstage with like, serpant tails and stuff. The performance was pretty good, but during the whole thing, I just couldn't help but wonder how/why the hell this story was made up the the first place.

OK so there is this guy who is a prince and he sorta kills this big snake with the help of these three ladys who are controlled by this queen of the night lady who's daughter was captured by this supposedly evil guy, and then there is this bird catcher who really wants a girlfriend and the prince guy falls in love with the daughter but this one slave guy is in love with the daughter, too, and then the bad guy isn't really bad the queen is. And then it's like set in Egypt and there is this temple thing the bird catcher and prince have to get into to get their girls, and they have to do these weird tasks and then the daughter wants to commit suicide and blah blah blah. PLUS, it's all in german.

it's like the most fucked up story in the world.

annnywaaay, we got home in time to make hamburgers and watch Law & Order.

Oh, yeah, and the other night we watched the duelists, this movie made for like, $900,000, with some of the most beautiful shots I have ever seen. Ever. Plus, it's about these two french guys who want to kill eachother, but then these two french guys are played by two very big Americans like Harvey Keitel. It was pretty funny, because he's like, so obviously from New York.

Anyway, I think this entry is almost too long to be allowed in my book, besides, I have to get dressed, etc.



(oh my god, I didn't even mention daniel day-lewis in this entry. there. now he's mentioned.)

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0 Many thanks for buying produce!