oh MAN. like, so much amazing stuff has happened in like the last few days, it isn't even funny.

So on Tuesday the lovely harvey K. came over, and we ate cheesesteaks, painted fish bowls and laughed at kids on circus bikes. We then watched mystery science theatre, the feature film being "Over Drawn at the Memory Bank" not exactly a canadian classic. Then we zoomed over to tiny Kailua theatres and watched gangs of new york. it was her first, my fifth. I've decided that five times was totally enough, because I started noticing all the little small things and began to obsess over them. It was then dinner, good time munching and strange college yearbook parent nostalgia took place, then we watch the sheild!!!!! where it was like a total episode about my favourite dorky dutch detective.

Then the most amazing insane totally you-had-to-be-there-and-be-a-fish to get the full blast. I have decided to share it with you, because it will be planted inside my brain forever and you better know about it, haha.

So, we were looking at my old magazines when suddenly I said "oh, I have this vanity fair from like october 2001." and ms. seahorse was like "ohh, really?" so I pulled it out.

The main reason why I bought and saved that magazine was because it had harry potter, the boy who lived, on the cover. My parents often threatened me that if I didn't clean up my room they would destroy it etc, and even though many of my old 'zines have suffered that fate, this one did not.

So. I resisted the urge to tell her to just flip to the harry potter part, so she carefully turned each page while I said that this was like the most boring magazine on earth. Then, suddenly, she turned the page and there was this huge picture of daniel day-lewis ala gangs of new york.

WE DIED. WE SERIOUSLY DIED. We spent like 10 minutes just rolling around on the floor in shock. I fell off my bed. Was this true? I had this in my magazine just waiting for me to find it?? So we flipped to this tiny article and there he was, the same picture was on the page as the one you see before you. (the one on my layout, silly.)

I knew I had seen it somewhere, but I was laboring under the thought that I saw it some vogue in like, november 2002 and just didn't buy the magazine. But NO. there it was. Like the most gigantic insane thing that proves there are spies and they are watching us. All the time. Fate does exist people, even in the form of old vanity fairs.

The next day we ate chewy pizza and shopped at the most smashing/scary store ever, I bought very nice steak wrapping paper and monster women figures.

I then said "Ahoy!" to my friend, the strange and charming journey of sleeping over coming to an end. The rest of the day I spent moping around. Post sleep over blues, is the medical term.

But anyway, I have a math final to take and you guys are probably totally confused anyway, but I am just so excited for the future right now it isn't even funny.



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!