wow, it's been a few days. The last week was full of endings, I hate to sound sappy and poetic, but seriously. I finally finished something that has been on me for years, I have learned so much from up (EDIT, why the hell did I write up? i meant it), but MAN am I glad it's OVER ALREADY.

I keep having these horrible dreams about us moving. We haven't ever actually moved, and if you known/read me, it's like I'm almost going to move and then something blows up. No, really. But these dreams are just weird and really real. I am tired of my house. I've grown out of it. It seems very small, and the house we put an offer on in virginia is gigantic and gorgeus. Also if we lived there, I could go to Europe much more often and keep being homeschooled whilst actually going out on trips, etc. But anyway, my dreams have just been freaking me out. It sounds nice, but then it's not. I mean, when I was in Virginia thinking that's where I was going to live, I would cry because I thought I would never see my street again. Just silly things like that, but it's time I got over that.

OK I WANT TO STOP TALKING ABOUT MOVING NOW. ahhh. this is why I haven't been updating. I've been feeling all these weird emotions.

I might delete the above paragraph later because it makes no sense, but I'm probably too lazy.

But anyway, I have now seen Gods and Generals twice, and despite like every critic in the whole world giving it a terrible review, I thought it was great, but basically for civil war buffs only.

but oh my god. there is this little girl. who I just wanted to shoot In THE FACE. I hate little kids in movies whose only purpose is to up the cuteness factor, they seriously all need to drop the hell dead. I did enjoy the various creative facial hair, and how the beards actually looked real but oh my god WHY would you want like six inches of hair coming straight out of your chin making you look like either a small rodent has attached itself to your face, or that is in fact a disease that causes mounds of hair to slowly eat your face.

oh, yeah, and like everyone I know knows this, I say it all the time, but my dad totally knows like, the main guy in the movie (stonewall jackson), stephen lang, They went to college together, my dad played a rabbit detective (don't ask) in one of his plays. Anyway, he did a real good job, and I feel sorry for him because I am sure he had the urge to STRANGLE that EVIL little girl. yeah. I feel your pain, steve.

I just realised this entry is just me rambling. I apologise, sorry.



PS I got the most awesome dinosaur gun! it has this spark thing inside so when you pull the trigger it lights up and makes a strange noise!!! awesome, I know. Pricebusters rock.

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