my alter ego is so busy doing work and watching american idol and crying because clay didn't win and running and stuff she hasn't been able to sit down and write an entry.

I promise I'll kill her tomorrow, since i have to finish some english work today.

Yeah, so, basically, on tuesday, I had what was called the worst meal on earth. My mom was like "I'm going to make turkey burgers with mushrooms and onions inside of them with blue cheese on top." Onions and blue cheese aside, the turkey blob tasted like ass. seriously. it was the WORST THING EVER. I couldn't eat it. So I ate the bun and cheese. But really, it was gross. gag-worthy. my dog wouldn't even eat it. Even sewer rats would turn their nose up at it. THAT DISGUSTING.

in other news, I got a really weird sunburn from walking on the beach, it's like, a weird thin ring around my upper back & chest. except one part is red, and the other is light pink. My face is fine, though. Which is good,because having a bright red face makes you look like a stupid jerk.

I also got a new cellphone. It's shiny and neat, and it's my new best friend. It's a samsung and it's a flip open, but it doesn't take pictures or anything. we finally upgraded, I had the worst analog phone ever. yeah.

I need a new layout.



PS i love brian cox.

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