I feel like such a jerk, I haven't updated in forever .

It's mostly the fact I had exams, I'm in the middle of Chicago rehersals, um, I'm, well, uh, distracted by someone of the oppisite sex, and that we're having lots of scary/fun snow.

So those are my excuses, how about those academy awards?

It's such a joke. Johnny Depp, for christ sake, a best actor nod? Seriously, FOLKS. I like Johnny as much as the next girl, but please.. Do they want really good ratings on Oscar night? Is this the reason? I mean, millions of teenage girls tuning to to see Johnny sounds like some big-wig is cashing in. Christ. I demand the Oscars to be phased out as the most important award ever , because as the past has shown us (um, Stanley freaking Kubrick never won for best director), they have no idea what they are doing.

I mean, if they wanted to be edgy and new, why the hell didn't they nominate Quentin Tarantino for best director? Kill Bill was an amazing film, and it was totally completely ignored by the academy, where as pirates of the FREAKING CARIBBEAN got nominated in numerious catagories.


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14 Many thanks for buying produce!