I have now officially become obsessed with sewing. SO FAR : 2 bags, one dress.

I just finished the dress. I am happy about it, but also somewhat pissed off. I don't really think It's very flattering, but I might change my mind. hmm. It's good for a first try, though.

Weeb has an ear infection and I am sleepy. bang bang, you are dead. Sewing is rather time consuming, hence my lack of entries. I had a rather good dream last night. Sad thing is, I now want a boyfriend who is half-bat.

I other news, I am a poor shmuck. I want money money money and a real website. Pink mutton chops dot com? dot org? dot why the hell are domains so expensive? Civil war generals vs. the dinosaurs must come to life.

ugggh I can't write. sorry. I'll be better later.



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!