that was an odd flashback. My first awesome diaryland friend left me a note in my guestbook and I want to contact her back and I don't know how. Her diary isn't around anymore. Queeeny I miss youuu!

In other news, our play is almost finished. First performance next week, and I must say I'm neither excited/scared. I guess it's just not challenging anymore. Theaterfest was hard. I was sooo jacked up during the last two weeks of rehersal it wasn't even funny. I was barely sleeping/eating. It took a lot out of me, but man was it fun. I miss that sort of emtion, and I sort of got a taste of it on Thursday night, where I went to see Le Miz at a haughty private school with sheena , and I started to imagine how much pressure was on everyone and what a great feeling it is to get out on stage and have the audience feed you with energy. It's also somewhat of a power trip, because the show can go anyway you want it to. Well, sort of. But still. I'm afraid I won't get that kind of a rush with this play. "build a play" psh. It's getting to preschool for me, (and this is not to insult any of my friends there, it's not you, it's the work), and I'm afraid I'm just going to feel foolish up on stage. I'll do my extra best, I just want that feeling again.

wow, I wasn't really planning on writing that. it just exploded out of me.

So last night my mom is like 'let's watch a movie' so we went and rented QUIZ SHOW & RED DRAGON on DVD which are mine to view until next saturday. (cough cough FRANCIS cough cough). We watched Red Dragon last night, and it was fun to watch my mom make icky faces all through the movie even though she's seen it. Maybe I'm immune because I saw it, oh, around 4 times on the big screen.

and I have come to the conclusion that Edward Norton looks like a muppet.

I mean, compare! muppet = edward norton




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