Rehersal 4-8pm every night. 1st performace friday 2nd saturday. More later, I think. But only for schools. This is frightening, because dear friend christina is very sick. I MISS YOU CHRIS. I would be sick instead of you. Get better. love love love you.

In other news, I've become a work-a-holic. I've been doing muchos biology work and being SUCH a good girl and making notes and highlighting things and everything! I know, I am a bad ass mother. I have a new sense of myself and it's weird because I've been feeling like I can never change and I'll always be the same, etc,etc. which, we all know, is not true. Because are you guys the same person you were when you were 15? nah. I don't think so. I ran my hardest this morning and went a little over 3 miles in a half hour. I looked like hell and the water I was drinking was some "enhanced" berry water and after squirting it down my dry, dry throat for thirty minutes, it tasted like I had downed a bottle of cherry cough syrup. Yes, it was gross. I actually did that when I was little with a bottle of like, grape cough syrup. I was terribly sick, but I can't remember the being sick part, I only remember climbing up the medicine cabinet to get it. I was a sneaky lizard of a child.

Anyway, it's off to rehersal and I just can't wait to have tuna sushi again for dinner!




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0 Many thanks for buying produce!