Hi! wow! that was like the best birthday ever, even though I've only gotten around to writing about it now. BASICALLY, I GOT EVERYTHING I WANTED AND MORE. WHICH IS AWESOME.

So, yes, I did get a digital camera.

And if you read my livejournal, this entry will look very similar to my recent one. Anyway, here goes :

1. grosss looking after late night cow eating at MORTONS. CHECK OUT THE WATCH!


2. gross looking again, but look at the watch & look! in the corner! that thing! That is kiki, my stuffed animal I have now had for like 14 years. He's sort of falling a part, so he's in this baby-clothes thing, but I love him to death and I have decided I won't marry anyone I don't love as much as kiki.

and this picture I don't like very much, so I'm linking it, but it features my face and my awesome blossom WOLVERINE WATCH

Yes, so, you will now be bombarded with crystal clear images whenever I feel like it!

AND MY LOVELY SISTER ALSO GOT ME A SUPERgold membership, so I now have the comments thing, (which I have to set up, and I will when I change my layout) which is awesome. It was actually quite hilarious when I went to upload the camera pictures, because as I recall on my normal gold membership, I was using 92% of my image space, and now with this new one I'm using, get this, 15% !!!

Yeah, it's great.

But moving isn't. It's annoying, because I saved all of my lovely star wars episode one pepsi cans, and I only get to keep four. So I'm keeping Darth Maul, Padme, OBI-WAN & QUI GON. Yes, it's the truth : I am a giant star wars geek at heart. And I really liked episode one, sans jar jar, so put that in your pipe and smoke it! (it was 100x better then ep 2, yo)

Anyway, I have to clean. And I will update more often. I promise.



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!