In other news :

I'm getting all my clothes in order. They are all spaced out on my floor in nice little piles, and it's like, how do I have this much clothing? I only wear, like, 5 things in rotation. But some things you just have to keep, you know? It's the nostalgia that's going to get me in the end, I know it.

It's weird, because I'm like, super busy, but then I'm not. And I'm kind of worried about all the rest of the stuff that isn't mine that needs to be packed up, because my dad is the kinda guy who packs for a trip the morning he leaves.

But I'm excited about going. Well, that's a half-truth. Sometimes I'm excited, sometimes I'm scared out of my mind, and then sometimes I'm just, like, UM WHATEVER. But I know that's normal, so I'm not too worried.

My right arm/shoulder is killing me. I think it's growing bigger then my left arm/shoulder, so soon I will look like a circus monster. or maybe I just pulled something, but. you never know, do you?

And in other other news from my livejournal : I got the Gangs of New York DVD and it's absolutely beautiful. The colors are, EXPLODING out of the television set, and it was exxxciting that I could finally see the difference between Daniel Day-Lewis's real eye and pimped-out glass eye!

AND, Martin Scorsese's commentary is good, but it gets a little annoying at times. I want to live in a perfect world where he only talks about the scene that is going on and doesn't plug his blues flim. It's like, um, Mr. Scorsese, I'm watching Daniel Day-Lewis. Don't talk about the space-time continuum, ok?

Oh, and a new layout is coming soon. It has something to do with explosions, so watch out!



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