I apologise, I've just been busy as freaking hell. So, I'm in school. Yes, I like it. NO I DON'T FREAKING LIKE HAVING TO TAKE CREDIT BY EXAMINATIONS GIVEN TO ME BY AN INEPT COUNSELER WHO IS LIKE 345 YEARS OLD. And, yes, how did you know, there is a soft spot in my heart for my dear darling AP european history teacher. But he's married and blah blah how nice, blah. He jumps around during class, explaining Plato this and Pippen the short that. He encourages yelling out answers, which I am not accustomed to, so I lamely raise my hand, and then, realising I am being ultra lame, pretend I'm really just scratching my head, so now the whole class thinks I have a scalp problem.

I also did like the shot me in the face stupidest thing, we had a map quiz--the freaking continents, even-- and for Europe I wrote down MIDDLE (freaking) EAST. YEAH, AND I FORGOT ABOUT THE INDIAN OCEAN. I was picturing mr. huff 'n' puff (names have been changed) sitting down and going over these papers with his wife, and then forever been known between them as the girl who mistook Europe for the middle goddamn east.

Driver's Ed is the designated day dream-a-thon class, complete with gross teacher to make me

A. get grossed out and

B. spend my time thinking about things that matter like

C. mr. huff'n'puff

D. how much I hate the goddammotherfucking middle east and

E. Gary Sinise.

Then I have acting 1, which contains most of the people who talk to/care about me. More on acting later.

French is next, which is stupid, because it's like french for extremely assheaded people.

Then I have lunch : So on the first day, I sat alone, and I loved it. I could read my book on Ed Gein, and watch people around me and not engage in conversation I'm really not interested in. But then people started to sit with me. So I have three designated lunch buddies, whom I have zero in common with, except one is in two of my classes. Other then that, they tease me for using big words and explaining what happens to mashed potatoes when the get processed in your stomach. (hey, they asked)

Then I have english, with this slightly dense-but-well-meaning teacher, who, for example, printed out some rap by Tupac and gave each student a line from it, asking them to identify the nouns. I mean, jesus h. freaking CHRIST. SOME OF THE SENTENCES DIDN'T HAVE NOUNS IN THEM (mine) AND THAT'S NOT A PROPER SENTENCE SO WHY WHY WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS YOU DON'T LOOK COOL YOU ARE A 50 YEAR OLD WHITE MALE GO FIND A FREAKING ROBERT FROST POOOEEEEM!!!!!!!!!!!!

After that, it's off to Biology I go, which is a terrificly simple class, although my peers think it's rocket science. Sadly, Gary Sinise does not teach the class, but this nice lady does. I like her cause she gif me extra credit mommy.

Last but not least, It's algebra II, the designated retard class. Everyone in the class--I fear for their children. It's math, what can I say?

I'm also in the PLAY, it's called Poe's Midnight Dreary, I have three small parts and there is the most adooorable boy taking part in it, it's awesome. Oh oh, and I have this really dramatic part RIGHT at the end of the play, when poe dies, I'm the Bust of Pallas (from the raven, I believe) and Poe rips my face off the reveal the face of deaaath! awesome, awesome, awesome.

Well, that's the news for now, I will try and update more regularly so you don't have to be bored to tears with all this junk.



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14 Many thanks for buying produce!