In other news, we are finally moving into our giant mcfiant house. it's rather exciting, seeing that I've spent almost a month in a freaking holiday inn. I will miss the TV, though, because for a while there I getting, like, 8 hours of TV in a day. And yes, I know, it's weird that I'm really starting to like cartoon network and that I ALMOST SHOT THE FREAKING TV when they banished home movies to sunday at 1230 am!

On the school front, I've won most of the battles but lost the math war, which doesn't really bother me. You see, I was wanting to start going to school, so I could meet new people, participate in theater, melt my brain, blah blah blah, but then they were all like "yo, bitch, yo' transcripts are all messed up, so we gon put you in the 9th grade!" and I'm like "YO MAMA! MY ASS I BE IN THE 9TH GRADE! " and so on. So I took some placement tests, : 6 Language Arts, English, whatever the hell you want to call Vocabulary, grammar, etc all rolled into one. And I took to math tests and totally sucked on those. On the english I scored as a "12.9" which means SENIOR. HIGHEST. HIGHER THEN HIGH. so, yo mama, 9th grade.

I'm not even going to discuss the math. Shut up. yo mama.

Yeah, but I don't know if I'm going or not. Confirmation has not been obtained.

In other more laid back, sans-yo-mama news, I really like it here. It's really quite adorable, and I'm still on that mainland, "oh my freaking gosh everything is so darn cheap and HOLY FUCK IT'S TARGET!" high. And add that to my discovery of THE COOLEST PLACE EVER, ESTATE SPECIALISTS 1 & 2, which is like, this giant salvation army type place, but they don't really sell clothes, they just raid all of these dead people's house and put it in their store. So you get old hats, jewlery, suitcases, chairs, books, desks, bags, EVERYTHING. And it's so cheap I want to die.

I'm also in looooooove. well, not really. only sort of, and you know, it's a real person this time. I'm going to call him, um, mr. handshake. because I've only really shaken his hand. But there's this whole backstory on this guy, my parents know his mom who runs a B&B here and blah blah blah. He's quite definately the most adorable person EVER.

did I mention he's like 35?

Anyway, I bet you guys are just exploding with all of this new knowledge, so I better let you guys deflate a little.



(PS can you believe I tested at a 12th grade level for english? must be all the serial killer books I'm reading. haha, ha.)

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