warning, this entry is image heavy, it may take a few to load.

What did I do today? Well, after mourning the passing of Mr. Rogers I decided I'd go all crazy and make some lemonade, and since I really have nothing else to write about I want to take you step by step into my wonderous world of making lemonade!!! er.

first, get your lemons. (after telling my mom via phone we're gonna need more lemons she goes berserk and says HEY THEY COST 50 cents A LEMON DON'T WASTE AHHH!) Then you squeeze 'em on that thing :

and when you are done squeezing put them in a measuring cup thing, as seen above. Er, please ignore the orange. I have no idea how that got in the shot..

then you do some other stuff, like heat some water and sugar, but that was waaaay to boring of a picture so here is your result!

and what is my reaction to my lovely drink?

"maaan! that is SOUR!"

So I fix it by putting more sugar in.


PS here is a picture(s) of my dog eating a treat/attacking me. this has nothing to do with lemonade making, don't worry.

I love my dog.



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!