wow. So, a lot has happened. Well, not really. I mean. the world didn't explode so not a lot did really happen, but anyway, on to what did happen, it being not much anyway :

ON monday I GOT TO SEE CRISPIN GLOVER ON CONAN! I even recorded it because I am a confessed lame ass dork, and man, he is the greatest thing ever. I love him. he is quite possibly the cutest thing to ever grace this earth. And conan was teasing him about his collection of wax diseased eyes. Man, that kind of stuff turns me on! er. so anyway..

I went out for my run, which is now becoming the thing I do. I started Saturday, and I'm keeping it up pretty well. So go me, or whatever. but. when I was out. there were these mormons like hanging out by this bridge I run over, and I was like OH MY GOD MORMONS! becaus they are the cutest thing EVER. So I decided to run really fast past them because I look, to put it lightly, like shit, whilst running. So THEN during my cool down part (aka the part where I walk) I hear this noise behind me, and there they ARE ON THE OFFICIAL MORMON BIKES! I almost DIED. They followed me and ever biked beside me for a while, but I had to force myself to not make eye contact because again, i look like shit during/after my run. But someday. Someday I will talk to my beloved mormons. The only scary thing is I hear they are like virgins until they are 32? er. yeah.

IN other me-related news, I sort of started a copy cat magazine called the bleeding heart, so, er, if you want an issue, let me know.



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