ok, so here's the story of the caffiene pill :

So basically I've been working out really hard, sweating to the oldies, etc, and since I usually do it in the morning I get extremely tired in the afternoons. Plus I'm on an unofficial diet of salad, oranges, peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches, milk & water. Yesturday I was like SCREW BEING TIRED so I took one of those caffiene, have more energy! pills. I followed the instructions, took one before my morning run and one before my late lunch, because I wasn't hungry (or tired. it was nice). But my dear mother got me a diet coke to drink with my salad du jour, and we both totally forgot that the pills are all like, hey, dude, don't drink any caffiene or anything because it will make your heart be faster and freak you the fuck out.

so that's basically what happened. My heart rate was way up, but not high enough to be really alarmed. I'm not a coffee drinker, so this was my first time feeling stringy and on edge. I was even feeling it this morning, but after my run everything was fine.

EXCEPT I am so freaking tired right now. I guess I should just ration the pills to once in the morning PERIOD and tattoo "no soda motherfucker" on my forhead, arm & leg. Because I hate feeling tired like this. urgh.

In other news, I have been running for a while now, albeit I just recently got to the point where I can run a full 30mins, but I don't look any different. Now, usually I wouldn't really care, figuring that these things take time, but then it's like I must brag about my twelve minute mile and I don't think some people believe me. They give me "shyeah, right" looks and make me want to shoot them in the face.

IN other non pill related news, I stayed up sort of late last night because GUESS WHO WAS ON LAST CALL WITH carson daly? ohmigod ohmigod, ohmigod. it was Shepard Smith, my fake ken doll barbie news man crush. kjdfkljs.

sometimes I am such a teen I can't even stand to live. garf. I hate being tired!

oh wait, and I am also turning into an angsty teen, which is terrible bad news. I just got the white stripes cd, which isn't really angsty come to think, but the big thing is I am terribly attracted to this picture which should be in the dictionary next to the definition of "angsty sex"



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!