Yesturday I watched River's Edge with christina and her various hoodlum boyfriends. We ate all my newly bought kettle corn, which is truly the food of gods. I then decided River's Edge is a pretty bad 80's movie, save for the fact crispin glover is a speed freak with a leather jacket sporting a mullet. Hoodlums being hoodlums, the hellion got made fun of. I stood by my man and told them he was much more attractive then all of them combined.

Anyway, I've been pretty tired lately. I moved around my room just recently, and I think the lack of restful sleep is because of that. I have to get used to something like that over a period of time, and it didn't help that last night my dog decided to join me in my room. I love it when he's there but I find myself staring at him and not sleeping. He's really soft when he's asleep and I get worried if the fan is too cold for him. Also, my jaw has been keeping me awake. It was really bothering me yesturday so I decided I better put in my retainers that fall off and die when I sleep, and I kept waking up with the feeling that the right side of my jaw will forever be in a knot. It feels better now. And for some reason I decided to paint my left hand nails blue, and the right pink. I feel like such a teen. Kill me now.

So today I better get some work done, but I want some food first.



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!