for some reason I have the odd desire to see tom hanks in some form fitting garment dancing on my bed, which, I might add, has fresh sheets.

I think it's maybe I'm watching the E! channel too much and the clips and promos they play always has this quick tom hanks-my-mouth-is-open-and-i-look-weird-talking part.

Or, it could be that I'm just a HUGE FREAK.

Anyway. I haven't eaten much today, and I am thinking it is because yesturday and today I was taken (once by force, the other I just sad "aw fuck it") to the beach by my father, where I feel strange and white against all the tan skin cancer spring break babe wannabes. YEAH SO, I am human. what else is new?

WILLARD is finally out, and I need to see that with the artist formerly known as francis. In other movie news, I want my road to perdition poster, which sadly I think I will get 20 years from now, by the way christina lowers her voice and changes her tone to sympathy when I ask her how long the video store takes with the posters.

"A while."

oh well, I think this is why dreams exist. see you sooon, mr. hanks.



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!