I am offcially an intern.


And I fully understand that I am Stage 1, not Stage 2, which means I can't run off and hang out with my "homes". Which is sad, but, hey. I'll live.

I also hope my dad doesn't go all anal about it, thinking I won't get any work done, because I will! I mean, maaybbe I'll be a little more lively everyday if I go out and do stuff and not sit at home all day and ponder my crappy existance. So, you know, we'll just have to see. Besides, I won't be so prone to lying around in bed and feeling sorry for myself. Plus, I can corrupt leetle childrens minds! YESSSSSSSSS!

The first step to becoming ruler of the universe, whoo, whoo, whoo.

OK. I haven't really told you guys this in full detail, so here goes:

Well, my dad went to have lunch with a friend yesturday (mitch) and mitch has a pirated copy of LOTR. So, this brings up the favorite character question, and my dad, I know it's v. scary, but my dad is like obsessed with Gimli .

He gets defensive, too. I mean, when me and my sister say hello to Orlando Bloom in the Gap commercial, he kinna glares and mutters:

"faggy elf."

And last night, he was talking about how weeny legolas was compared to Gimli, etc, etc.

He thinks everyone should love Gimli..when Gimli is like, THEE nastyest thing ever. ew ew ew. It's just gross.

So anyway. I'm an intern! wheeeee!


-Milky, the intern

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