I just got MSN and I added almost everyone and STILL no one is on! this thing is cursed. Oh, and my name thing is:

"[email protected]"

so get your butt on msn and message me.

Speaking of the sexy mob, I have to work on that site. Ugh, there are soo many things I have to do. Stuart will be here soon, me and the sister are going to see L&S with him, like stated in the entry before.

other then that...we had some kids cry in class yesturday. Man, some of these kids. They are very touchy. They need to grow a shell real quick to block out the world and all of its evils, or else they'll be unstable young adults, and we reeeeaally don't need any more of those, now do we?

Why can't everyone be smart, well-rounded and positive?

haha, I know. We all can't be like me.

muahahah. this world, what did it ever do without me?

are you sensing the self-love? should I stop?

Ok, yeah, my dad just had to come in here and complain about me and TOTALLY burst my bubble.

ugh. some people need to go away sometimes.

Like the other day, when I thought I looked pretty ok, he told me I looked weird and "frumpy"

Dads sometimes just need to shhhh.



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!