Don't you hate it when movie stars bring their little tiny digi video cams to big huge events, and wave it around for the whole entire thing? I mean, would the general public be allowed to carry around such items? Probably not. I mean, I'm not sure, but really, we all know tom cruise told his servents to record the event on TV, why the hell does he need to pretend he's actually gonna watch the video he made later.

Oh--no wait. He'd prolly give it to some charity, another thing a normal person couldn't do.

"here's my crappy video of my son's talent show, I hope you make lots of money with it."


Anyway. I finally figured out how to tell Orson Welles and Marlon Brando apart. You see, mr. Welles was really, really cute when he was young. (pre-fat mean vagabound days) I mean. he was just. really cute.

i think this is the only dead person I've had a crush on so far.



PS, they cast me in theaterfest :)

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