I think I need a new life, this one is getting old.

In other news, I've started reading Dracula, which is pretty good. I think it's almost annoying how good the correspondance thing is. Bram Stoker, why'd you have to be so smart? (with a name like "bram", too.)

My right ear is clogged for some unknown reason, and it's giving me a headache and pissing me off in general. I want to stick my fingers waaay down the ear canal and get the little bugger that's doing this, but alas, I know too well I will just push him in farther and probably do further damage.


Yesturday I saw Catch me If You Can, which was rather good, although it may seem long to people who think it's gonna end with him getting caught. (peopl, ie, me). But it wasn't long. Tom Hanks had a weird accent, Leo Decaprio (or as my father has come to calling him, "Vincent Decaprio" for some unknown reason, but I'm guessing he's just secretly teasing me about Vincent D'onofrio. The world may never know) can act, and Christopher Walken scares the crap out of me. I don't think he really acts, because he always does the same stuff in everything he's in. And, for the small amount of time she was in it, Jennifer Garner pissed me off. I don't like her. She looked weird and boxy in the styles of the 60's, mostly because of her she-man muscles.

My watch is saying it's 1pm and I think that's about time for lunch, except my dad isn't home yet and he's the bringer of lunch, so, I'm stuck here telling you it's past lunch time and not being able to really do anything about it.

ahhhhhh. Christina, I hope you've read some of that A-Z guide of serial killers, cause I'm going to call and quiz you.



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!