Ok, so, yesturday was spent eating exploding hamburgers with christina and renting Ed Wood and declaring it very boring thank you very much. The only bright spot in the movie was vincent d'onofrio playing me (orson welles) with someone else's voice. But that part took a long time to get to. I'm just not in with the angora sweater crowd, yo.

Then we just turned on Conan and OH MY GOD, there was sam rockwell. it made me fall off me chair, and I have witnesses. He was very funny and made me come to the conclusion any actor worth his salt can do a good christopher walken impression.

then I skipped back home and insisted we watch a movie I wanted to watch, not to be a huge brat, but, we've been watching sister movies like, ALL WEEK. Being There, Animal house, um, yeah, those are sister movies, not my movies.

so er I choose the bounty because I haven't really seen the whole thing, and, it like, has the hottest cast ever put together. oh yes, it's true. Anthony Hopkins, Mel Gibson (both in their babe years! 1984, baby!), Daniel DAY-Lewis & Liam Neeson. Plus, if you happen to be of the male sex, there are a lot of naked natives. but they get old.

So anyway, there's this one part, where, the hot hot crew (sans liam neeson cause he isn't an officer) are eating dinner, or some meal, and they are all sort of staring at eachother, clenching jaws and being manly and ohmygod, daniel day-lewis's check bones like, killed me. I said this out loud and got lots of hisses, because his character was really mean, but come on. Plus. he had this awesome hat.

yeah, I know, that's a pretty awesome hat.




I need to like, not be so crazy.

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